Commenting on reports that the Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon - along with Green Party and Plaid Cymru leaders - will be included in televised election leaders debates, SNP Westminster Leader Angus Robertson MP said:
“If it is true that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will be included in UK-wide debates under the broadcasters' new proposals, it represents very welcome progress. “With a larger membership than the Lib Dems and UKIP combined, and more elected MPs than UKIP, the case for including the SNP in the televised debates is unanswerable. “A recent YouGov poll shows that most people across the UK support Nicola Sturgeon being included in the televised leaders debates. We want these debates to happen, and they need to include the SNP so that the diversity of politics and our democracy across the UK is reflected. With polls indicating strong SNP support, and the possibility of holding the balance of power at Westminster, it is only fair that people north and south of the border have the opportunity to hear what the SNP have to say about reversing austerity, cancelling Trident, and achieving new powers for Scotland “The inclusion of the SNP, Plaid and the Greens with Nicola Sturgeon, Leanne Wood and Natalie Bennett will also rightly show that politics beyond Westminster isn’t just an old boys club.”
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