Midlothian Council will receive an extra £2.63M funding under the revised budget proposals unveiled by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.
The budget boost comes as the Scottish Government confirmed that local government will receive an above inflation increase in resource funding. The SNP budget will give Scots the best deal in the UK – with investment in public services and a tax cut for lower earners. Under the progressive tax reforms 70% of taxpayers will pay less than last year, while higher earners will face a modest increase. These tax changes will allow the Scottish Government to increase health spending by £400 million to £13.6 billion, lift the public sector pay cap and provide a package of investment in the economy. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “The draft budget shows that where Scotland has the power, the SNP will take a different, fairer approach – and give Scots the best deal in the UK. “Thanks to the decisions made by the Scottish Government, local government funding is increasing by inflation and today Midlothian Council have today been given an extra £2.63M to spend on local services. “That’s a good deal for taxpayers and for public services in Midlothian – and is only possible because of the SNP’s progressive tax reforms, that are backed by the public by 2 to 1. “In the face of massive Westminster cuts, the Scottish Government is using its powers progressively to invest in our schools and our hospitals – and in communities across Midlothian.”
East Lothian Council will receive an extra £3.02M funding under the revised budget proposals unveiled by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.
The budget boost comes as the Scottish Government confirmed that local government will receive an above inflation increase in resource funding. The SNP budget will give Scots the best deal in the UK – with investment in public services and a tax cut for lower earners. Under the progressive tax reforms 70% of taxpayers will pay less than last year, while higher earners will face a modest increase. These tax changes will allow the Scottish Government to increase health spending by £400 million to £13.6 billion, lift the public sector pay cap and provide a package of investment in the economy. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “The draft budget shows that where Scotland has the power, the SNP will take a different, fairer approach – and give Scots the best deal in the UK. “Thanks to the decisions made by the Scottish Government, local government funding is increasing by inflation and today East Lothian Council have today been given an extra £3.02M to spend on local services. “That’s a good deal for taxpayers and for public services in East Lothian – and is only possible because of the SNP’s progressive tax reforms, that are backed by the public by 2 to 1. “In the face of massive Westminster cuts, the Scottish Government is using its powers progressively to invest in our schools and our hospitals – and in communities across East Lothian.” A Scottish Government fund aimed at boosting the attainment levels of the most deprived pupils is set to pay out £1.5mil to schools across East Lothian next year.
More than 2,300 schools across Scotland are set to benefit from the funding – including 40 across East Lothian. The significant investment gives money directly to headteachers, allowing them to spend the money on local initiatives that will close the poverty-related attainment gap. Commenting, SNP MSP for Musselburgh Colin Beattie said: “The SNP has made closing the attainment gap our priority in this parliament – and the latest investment of £1.5mil in our schools and our children across East Lothian is a key part of that. “Every child should have the best possible start in life, no matter their background – and the role that schools play in giving children the support they need is absolutely vital. “That is why it is right that this significant investment to close the poverty-related attainment gap goes straight to headteachers – giving those with the most intimate knowledge of their schools the ability to develop initiatives to benefit children across East Lothian. “And with 40 schools benefiting from this latest round of funding – following a similar significant investment last year – even more of our children are going to benefit from creative new initiatives that will help to tackle the attainment gap in our schools.” A Scottish Government fund aimed at boosting the attainment levels of the most deprived pupils is set to pay out £2,273,160 to schools across Midlothian next year.
More than 2,300 schools across Scotland are set to benefit from the funding – including 39 across Midlothian. The significant investment gives money directly to headteachers, allowing them to spend the money on local initiatives that will close the poverty-related attainment gap. Commenting, SNP MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale,Christine Grahame said: “The SNP has made closing the attainment gap our priority in this parliament – and the latest investment of £1.84/ £2.27 million in our schools and our children across the Borders/ Midlothian is a key part of that. “Every child should have the best possible start in life, no matter their background – and the role that schools play in giving children the support they need is absolutely vital. SNP MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh,Colin Beattie added: “It is right that this significant investment to close the poverty-related attainment gap goes straight to headteachers – giving those with the most intimate knowledge of their schools the ability to develop initiatives to benefit children across the area. “And with 68/ 39 number of schools benefiting from this latest round of funding – following a similar significant investment last year – even more of our children are going to benefit from creative new initiatives that will help to tackle the attainment gap in our schools.” SNP MSP Colin Beattie has welcomed the latest figures that have shown NHS dentist registrations on the rise once again – with 785,433 people now registered across NHS Lothian and over 5 million registered across the country.
The national figure has nearly doubled since the SNP came to power in 2007 – after the previous Labour/Lib Dem administration oversaw a decline in registrations from just over 2.7 million in 2000 to just over 2.5 million in 2007, including over 40,000 fewer children registered. The percentage of adults registered with a dentist in the Lothians has gone up from 87% to 89% during the last year, while the number of children registered has also risen, from 89% to 90%. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “The latest dental registration statistics show the continued progress the SNP Scottish Government is making in improving oral health in East Lothian, Midlothian and across Scotland. “Since the SNP came to power in 2007, the number of people registered with a dentist has nearly doubled across Scotland, sitting at over 5 million, following years of decline under Labour and the Lib Dems. “And with nearly 1 million children now registered with an NHS dentist, it is clear that we are building the right attitudes to improve oral health for the next generation as well. “People across the NHS Lothian area are benefitting from this improvement, with 785,433 people now registered with a dentist, including 149,578 children. “The new oral health improvement plan will show how we intend to keep this good work going, and ensure that people are not only registering with a dentist, but also getting regular check-ups. “Our oral health is vital for our wider health and wellbeing – and it is great to see people taking steps to ensure that they are able to access an NHS dentist in communities across East Lothian, Midlothian and throughout Scotland.” Scots back the SNP's progressive tax plans by 2 to 1, according to a YouGov poll for the Times – leaving Tory demands to hand high earners and big business a tax cut worth £500 million looking hopelessly out of touch.
The SNP's tax plans will protect low and middle income taxpayers in East Lothian and Midlothian by setting a new Starter Rate of income tax of 19% for earnings between £11,850 and £13,850. As a result of this change as well as the increase in the personal allowance, all taxpayers earning up to £33,000 in Midlothian, East Lothian and across Scotland will be protected from any tax increase. Overall 70% of taxpayers in Scotland will pay less next year and 55% of Scottish taxpayers will pay less than they would in England. At the same time, SNP tax plans will increase the Higher and Top Rate of tax to 41% and 46%. SNP MSP Colin Beattie, Midlothian North and Musselburgh, said: "This poll shows strong 2 to 1 support for the SNP's progressive tax reforms that will allow the Scottish Government to invest in our schools and hospitals in East Lothian and Midlothian. “The SNP is on the side of the my constituency's taxpayers – ensuring that 70% pay less and that Scotland has the fairest taxed system in the UK. “This is a real endorsement of the SNP’s approach to protecting public services, investing in the economy and supporting households and I hope other parties will now back our tax plans. “While the Westminster Tory government has hammered Scotland with cut after cut, Tory MSPs in Midlothian and East Lothian have demanded the Scottish Government spend more and more money - all the while calling for tax cuts for high earners. It doesn't add up. "The Tories are completely out of touch with the Scottish public, and their tax plans would leave a £500 million hole in the Scottish budget - leaving public services my constituency and across the country short-changed." A YouGov poll for the Scottish Times has found majority support for the SNP's tax proposals. Details as follows: Do you support the tax changes announced in the budget (everybody earning more than £26,000 to pay more than their counterparts in the UK, everybody earning less than that, to pay less than their UK counterparts). Support: 54 per cent Oppose: 27 per cent Don't know: 19 per cent. Do you think the tax changes are fair or unfair? Fair: 49 per cent Unfair: 30 per cent Don't know: 21 per cent. SNP Income tax proposals for 2018-19 are: · A new Starter Rate of 19% will be introduced for those earning between £11,850 and £13,850 · A Basic Rate of income tax at 20% for those earning over £13,850 · A new Intermediate Rate of 21% for those earning over £24,000 - however as a result of the new Starter Rate taxpayers earning less than £33,000 will pay no more in tax for given incomes · A Higher Rate of 41% on incomes over £44,273 to £150,000 · A Top Rate of 46% on incomes over £150,000 SNP MSP Colin Beattie is calling on constituents in East Lothian and Midlothian to contribute to the Scottish Government’s new consultation looking at the causes of social isolation and loneliness and how they can be addressed.
The consultation will run until 30 April and will thereafter feed into a new national strategy, one of the first in the world, to tackle loneliness and isolation. A national strategy to combat loneliness was a key ask of the Jo Cox Commission, which welcomed this announcement. Views are also being sought on how communities can build on the work of the Scottish Government, and lead on ensuring those at risk of becoming lonely or isolated have access to the right support networks. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie for Midlothian North and Musselburgh said: “It’s important that voices from across East Lothian and Midlothian get involved in the Scottish Government’s consultation to help shape the new loneliness and isolation strategy, especially since each and every one of us has a role to play in reducing loneliness in Scotland. “Dealing with loneliness and isolation can be incredibly difficult, and by reaching out to our neighbours or anyone we think may be at risk of becoming isolated or lonely – by taking them out, doing a good deed or simply having a chat – we can all have a hugely positive impact. “Young or old - loneliness doesn’t discriminate and it is linked to both poor physical and mental health, and can have wide-ranging consequences on so many aspects of our lives. “The SNP Government will be the first country in the UK and one of the first in the world to develop a national strategy to address loneliness and isolation, but this strategy needs our communities and society to lead the way in ensuring those at risk of loneliness get the support they need. I would encourage as many people as possible in East Lothian and Midlothian to have a say on this very important issue by contributing to the consultation.” The Scottish Government’s consultation will run until 30 April. In a welcome show of cross party unity local MSP, Colin Beattie, and the three ward Councillors for Ward 5 Midlothian East have joined together in support of Pathhead and surrounding rural villages, (including Pathhead) and the communities affected by the A 68.
The A 68 Focus Group has been in existence for some years and has achieved improvements in speed limits etc. in the local villages. More recently it has been tackling safety issues along the A 68 and has expanded its membership to draw in stakeholders across the board. Group Chair, Colin Beattie, stated “We now have political support for our communities across party lines plus representatives from all the villages; Transport Scotland; Amey; Midlothian Council; Police Scotland; Community Council; and other interested local groups. Now we must work hard with our partners to delivery improved safety along the route of the A 68 where there have been a disturbing number of safety incidents over the past years. We also have the attention of the Transport Minister, Humza Yousuf MSP in support of our efforts”. Councillor John Hackett (LAB), said, “The A 68 is part of Scotland’s national road network but more importantly for residents, it is the local road which connects families, friends and communities. Traffic in Midlothian is expected to increase by 25% over the next 5 years. It is important for our local Councillors and MSPs to work together to meet the challenges this will bring and work with communities and the Scottish Government on long term solutions to improve safety.” Councillor Kenneth Baird (SNP) added, "Having a major trunk road running through a village brings challenges and safety concerns for all local residents, it's important that these issues are addressed as a priority. Safety for children and our most vulnerable should be our primary focus." Councillor Peter Smaill (CON) added, “UK government research estimates the cost of a fatal road accident at an average £2m per occurrence. Quite apart from the paramount importance of human life and the impacts of bereavement, there is seemingly a good economic case for Transport Scotland to invest in improving the notoriously dangerous stretches of the A68.” Many residents will welcome the prospect of A 68 black spots being addressed and community safety concerns being taken seriously and investigated. Midlothian North MSP, Colin Beattie, today met with Royal Bank of Scotland representatives in the Scottish Parliament to discuss the imminent closure of their Bonnyrigg Branch. The plans, announced in December, would leave the Dalkeith branch as the only one in Midlothian.
Commenting Mr Beattie said: “I understand the logic of why as a business RBS might decide to close their branch. Reduced customer footfall and the increase in electronic banking are major factors. “However, I took the opportunity to make the point that, as MSP, I have to look at a wider picture than simply short term profit enhancement. Having a local bank is part of maintaining a sense community and creating a centre for that community. “With so many local facilities, such as libraries, under threat as part of the Council’s proposed cuts it is ever more important to try to protect what facilities we can. That is before we consider the inconvenience and disturbance caused to customers and any distress to staff who may consider their jobs at risk”. Continuing Mr Beattie stated “I have made my point strongly to RBS and expressed my deep disappointment but, of course, the decision is already taken”. In the course of a very detailed exchange RBS described many of the measures being taken to support and help customers cope with the changes. Mr Beattie urged anyone who has concerns or needs to understand what alternatives are available to contact RBS Local Area Manager, Hazel Brydon on 07826664011 or [email protected] SNP MSP Colin Beattie has urged all eligible adults in his constituency to take up the offer of a free flu vaccination.
Everyone aged 65 and over, pregnant women and people at most risk of serious illness are offered the flu vaccination on the NHS. Flu rates in Scotland doubled in December with the most recent figures from Health Protection Scotland showing around 46 Scots in every 100,000 were suffering from the virus, comparing to 22 in every 100,000 for the same week in 2016. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “It’s not too late to get the flu jab – and if you’re eligible for vaccination on the NHS it’s important that you take that offer. “Cases of flu were at double the rate in December as the previous year, and can be a serious illness that can make even healthy people very unwell. “NHS Lothian staff are doing a tremendous job at a tough time of year, and we should all do our bit to not add unnecessary pressure on the health service. “If you’re eligible, please make getting the vaccination a priority and book an appointment with your GP practice or health board as soon as possible.” Visit www.immunisationscotland.org.uk for more information . |
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