£30,528 has been paid out to support young carers in Midlothian and £24,441 has been paid out to support young carers in East Lothian by the Scottish Government has from the Young Carer’s Grant since its launch.
The payment, which is unique to Scotland, has paid out £1.8m in vital support for young carers across Scotland since its introduction in October 2019. The grant was recently increased from £308.15 to £326.65 from 1 April. The payment is available for 16-18-year-olds who spend an average of 16 hours caring for a person or people in receipt of a disability benefit. As long as someone remains eligible, they can apply on an annual basis. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “Young carers in Midlothian and East Lothian show incredible dedication to those who they care for whether that be a family member, friend or someone in the community and it is right that they are supported to provide that help. “It is encouraging that applications for the Young Carer’s Grant have increased since its introduction. “In Scotland we are building a social security system built on fairness, dignity and respect as the Young Carer’s Grant is just one of a number of support payments available only in Scotland. “This is how the SNP Scottish Government is supporting people with its limited powers, but it continues to do so with one hand tied behind its back and only with the full powers of independence can we fully build a system that works for all. “I would encourage anyone aged between 16 and 18 who provides care or knows anyone who does so to apply for the grant.”
Colin Beattie has welcomed the SNP Scottish Government giving power to Midlothian Council and East Lothian Council to run the bus services in Midlothian and East Lothian.
Powers from the Transport (Scotland) Act will now be utilised and allow councils across Scotland to run bus services in local communities as they see fit. When the Act was developed, local authorities asked for the ability to run their own services to be included and the SNP Scottish Government has reacted to that request by allowing them to do so, if they wish. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “Bus services are vital to Midlothian and East Lothian for those wanting to get around but they are also a vital tool in our response to the climate emergency. That is why it is welcome that the SNP Scottish Government is rolling out these powers to local authorities across the country, including Midlothian Council and East Lothian Council, to ensure we have a bus service that is fit for purpose and serves the needs of people in Midlothian and East Lothian. “This is just one measure the SNP Scottish Government has taken to revitalise our bus network here in Midlothian, East Lothian and across Scotland by providing half a billion pounds in long term funding for bus priority infrastructure, coupled with the roll out of free bus travel to under 22s and significant investment to encourage a shift to zero emission buses. “Buses will play a key role in achieving Scotland’s world-leading target of reducing car kilometres by 20% by 2030 and this measure to empower local authorities will be another step on the path to achieving that goal.” DEPRIVATION GAP AT RECORD LOW AND RECORD HIGH PROPORTION OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM DEPRIVED COMMUNITIES IN POSITIVE DESTINATIONS
New statistics have shown 92.9% of pupils across Midlothian and 94.7% of pupils across East Lothian were in a ‘positive destination’ within nine months of leaving school last year. The latest figures show that 877 school leavers from Midlothian and 1,087 school leavers from East Lothian went on to work, training or further study. Across Scotland, the statistics show that 93.2% of pupils overall who left school last year were in a positive destination, which includes work, training or further study, nine months later - up from 92.2% in the previous year. The figures also show a record proportion of young people from the most deprived communities going on to positive destinations and the gap between school leavers from the most and least deprived areas achieving positive destinations narrowed to a record low of 7.5 percentage points - the gap has now more than halved since 2009-2010. Commenting SNP MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, Colin Beattie said: “It is brilliant to see over 92% of pupils across Midlothian and East Lothian are going on to positive destinations – whether that be work, training or further study. “After what has been a significantly challenging couple of years for our young people, all credit must be given to them for overcoming the challenges and the hard work of them and all those who have supported them. “I am grateful that the SNP Scottish Government is ensuring that strong action is being taken to fulfil our commitment to get it right our every child, providing the support and environment to give all our young people the best possible change to succeed – no matter what their background. “From investing in tackling the poverty-related attainment gap, free tuition, or introducing the back-to-work Jobs Grant for people aged 16 to 24 – the SNP in Government is taking actions to prioritise young people in Midlothian and East Lothian. “While opposition parties continue to paint a bleak picture of what young people in Scotland are achieving, the reality is that real progress is being made as a result of SNP’s action. One of the largest barriers standing in the way of their future prospects is being tied to a Westminster Government holding communities and sectors back.” LOCAL MSP COLIN BEATTIE WELCOMES THE PASSING OF THE MINERS’ STRIKE PARDON BILL IN PARLIAMENT17/6/2022 On Thursday 16 June, the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Miners' Strike (Pardons) (Scotland) Bill. The Bill provides a pardon for miners who were convicted of certain offences relating to the 1984-1985 miners’ strike where the conditions of the pardon are met.
A pardon will apply automatically. Miners will not need to apply for a pardon. Colin Beattie is Vice-Chair of the National Mining Museum of Scotland and his constituency was home to two super pits Bilston Glen and Monktonhall. At their peak, both had 1800 workers employed at each pit and both saw violence flare frequently during the ’84-’85 strike. The aftermath of the strike caused real hardship with some still suffering the consequences decades later. Welcoming the passing of the Bill, Colin Beattie MSP said: “I am pleased the Parliament unanimously passed this Bill. In every nook and cranny of my constituency you are served with a poignant reminder of our industrial mining past and I know the events of the ’84-’85 Miners’ strike remain raw and divisive in ex-mining communities, even today when I speak to ex-miners and their families. “The Bill brings justice to those who have faced stigma, wipes out the stain of law breaking for so many decent miners who were simply caught up in the unholy mess but did not truly realise the consequences this would have on them. This is why it is so important. “I am proud that the Scottish Government is the first in the UK to pass a Bill granting pardon for miners convicted of certain offence during 1984-1985 strike. I hope this restores dignity to those convicted and, provides a sense of closure to the lingering feelings of injustice. “I also recognise that many issues around the potential for financial compensation are reserved to the UK Government and call for this to be reviewed as part of the inquiry if Westminster agrees to address this important issue on behalf of miners elsewhere in the UK. “It is now time for the UK Government to act swiftly and follow in the steps of the Scottish Government to bring justice to all miners and mining communities across the United Kingdom.” WESTMINSTER CUTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY HAVE BEEN ‘CATASTROPHIC’ FOR SCOTS’ HEALTH
People across Midlothian and East Lothian are suffering as a result of Tory cuts which have been slammed as ‘catastrophic’ in a new report by top researchers. The Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) found that people in Scotland feel their health is deteriorating from a younger age than previously. The study found that people in Scotland started to feel their health decline from age 46, a decline from 51 in 2009. Dr David Walsh from GCPH described the finding as ‘terrifying’ and laid the blame squarely at the door of the Tory UK government and its cuts to social security payments. Dr Walsh also commented that ‘this should not be happening in a wealthy country like the UK’. Commenting SNP MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, Colin Beattie said: “This report lays bare the appalling record of this callous Tory UK government as they continually slash support from those in Midlothian and East Lothian that need it most. “People in Midlothian and East Lothian should not be feeling their health decline earlier than they did a decade ago - we are a wealthy country that can look after our citizens but sadly Westminster control is resulting in this devastating reality. “While I’m very glad the SNP Scottish Government has introduced a number of social security payments to support households across Scotland, including the ‘game-changing’ Scottish Child Payment, we are continuing to act with one-hand tied behind our back by a UK Tory government that removes support at time when people need it most. “These conclusions also come out just a week after another Glasgow University study that has found that UK Tory austerity is causing people to die younger - report after report highlighting the brutal consequences of Westminster control “We can, and must, do better. It is beyond doubt now that we need the full powers of independence so we can build fairer, more equal society for everyone in Midlothian, East Lothian and right across Scotland.” COLIN BEATTIE WELCOMES SCOT GOV HEATING ASSISTANCE PAYMENT
Colin Beattie has welcomed the planned introduction of the new Low Income Winter Heating Assistance benefit to help households in Midlothian, East Lothian and across Scotland pay their energy bills. The support is being introduced by the SNP Scottish Government and will guarantee an annual payment of £50 to around 400,000 low income households from February 2023. It replaces the UK government’s Cold Weather payments which were only triggered during a ‘cold spell’ of seven consecutive days below zero degrees, whilst the new payment from the Scottish Government will provide a reliable, stable guaranteed payment in winter, no matter the weather. It will be the thirteenth social security payment introduced by the SNP Scottish Government and will be only available in Scotland. Commenting, Colin Beattie said: “The SNP Scottish Government is providing a guaranteed payment of £50 to low-income households in Midlothian and East Lothian to help pay their energy bills every winter, starting in February 2023. “Once again the SNP Scottish Government is stepping up to support households within its limited budget and despite the majority of powers lying with the Tories at Westminster. “The Scottish Government’s annual £20m investment will mean households will get an automatic payment. The UK Cold Weather payments only reached 11,000 households in 2021/22. “As the Scottish Government continues to step up and provide support to households across Scotland, it does so with one hand tied behind its back by the UK Tory government. “That is why it is only with the full powers of independence can we start to build a fairer, more equal country.” SCOTLAND HELD BACK BY WESTMINSTER CONTROL AS FIRST GOVERNMENT PAPER PUBLISHED
Local MSP Colin Beattie has welcomed the publication of the first in a series of documents from the Scottish Government, which shows how Scotland in the UK compares to other similar-sized independent European nations on key comparators. The paper outlines how other comparable nations are wealthier, happier and fairer than Scotland currently is under Westminster control. Colin Beattie MSP said: “Scotland has everything it takes to be a hugely successful nation - yet Westminster control has held it back while comparable countries of a similar size prosper. “Independence gives Scotland the opportunity to fulfil its full potential to be a fairer, greener and more equal nation. It puts the power into the hands of Scotland - not Tory governments that Scotland didn’t vote for. “A decade of Tory austerity coupled with a Brexit that Scotland didn’t vote for has made us poorer. As the cost of living crisis deepens for people across Midlothian and East Lothian, it’s right that the Scottish government lays bare the cost of living with Westminster in this series of papers “Scotland has the ambition to be a better nation - but it’s only with the full powers of independence that we can make that hope a reality.” More information: https://www.gov.scot/publications/independence-modern-world-wealthier-happier-fairer-not-scotland/ HOUSEHOLDS IN SCOTLAND PAYING MORE COMPARED TO ENGLAND AND WALES
Households in Midlothian are paying an average of £1,574 per year paying over £1500 per year, making it the 196th most expensive place in the UK for energy bills. Households in East Lothian are paying an average of £1,613 per year making it the 148th most expensive place in the UK for energy bills. Out of 408 local authorities in Great Britain, Midlothian and East Lothian ranked in the top 200 most expensive. According to data from comparethemarket.com, households in Midlothian are already paying 18.9% more than the price cap that is set to be introduced in October this year with households in East Lothian paying 20.8% more. The data also shows that people across Scotland are paying more on their bills than compared to England and Wales. Commenting, SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: "People across Scotland, including in Midlothian and East Lothian are paying the price for sky high energy bills, despite Scotland having an abundance of resources in oil and gas and renewables. "Under Westminster control, the vast revenue from Scotland's oil and gas industry has been squandered by UK governments for decades and now it is consumers in Midlothian and East Lothian who are getting hammered with higher average energy bills, with bills here being in the top 200 most expensive in Great Britain. "This is also a result of the outrageous and expensive transmission charges that are charged in Scotland for companies to access the national grid here. "The measures announced by the Chancellor last month – welcome though they were - will barely scratch the surface of the rocketing energy bills crippling households now and in the winter months to come. "High fuel bills in Midlothian, East Lothian and across Scotland lies squarely at the door of the Westminster government and shows why Scotland needs the full range of powers that will come with independence." SNP MSP Colin Beattie has welcomed £15.2bn of resource investment in education and skills across Scotland, benefitting children and young people in Midlothian and East Lothian.
As set out in the Scottish Government’s Spending Review this week, £1bn will be invested in this term of parliament in tackling the poverty-related attainment gap. After the successful rollout of 1140 hours of free childcare in Midlothian and East Lothian, the SNP Scottish Government will progress work to build a system of school age childcare that is free to those on the lowest incomes and consider how we can most effectively invest in early years support for the families who need it most. There is also a commitment to recruit 3,500 teachers and 500 support staff across Scotland and expanding free school meal provision, continuing to provide funding for school clothing grant, roll-out of digital devices and connectivity to Scotland’s school pupils, a curriculum free of core charges and free music tuition. Commenting SNP MSP Colin Beattie said: “The SNP Scottish Government continues to support children and young people in Midlothian and East Lothian and ensure that every child has the best possible start in life. “Progress has already been made across Scotland in closing the attainment gap with experts describing the Scottish Government’s work as an ‘unambiguous success’. A further investment of £1bn across the term of this parliament will continue that work. “With the expansion of free school meals and the scrapping of extra-curricular charges and music tuition fees we can ensure that every child in Midlothian and East Lothian can meet their potential without financial barriers. “This demonstrates that is only the SNP that has the track record on improving young children’s experiences and will continue to do so.” ADDRESSING CLIMATE CRISIS KEY PRIORITY FOR SNP GOVERNMENT SPENDING
The SNP Scottish Government’s spending review has put Scotland’s transition to net zero and ensuring Midlothian and East Lothian benefits from a greener, fairer economy at its heart, with around £6.8 billion investment. In the Resource Spending Review, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Kate Forbes, underlined the SNP Government’s commitment to addressing the climate crisis. Ms Forbes outlined measures including over £5 billion investment in rail infrastructure, £1.8 billion to deliver the Heat in Buildings strategy and expansion of the Just Transition fund to over £150 million by 2025-26. The review also set out the establishment of an Investor Panel, chaired by the First Minister, to attract investment to a pipeline of projects in Scotland that support our transition to net zero. The SNP Government’s plans are underpinned by an approach to addressing climate change whilst crucially creating a more cohesive and resilient economy that improves the opportunities, life chances, and wellbeing of people across every party of Scotland including Midlothian and East Lothian. Commenting SNP MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, Colin Beattie said: “As Midlothian and East Lothian recover from the last two years and we look to the future, it is undeniable that tackling the climate emergency and transitioning to a more sustainable society is going to be hugely important. “Scotland’s world-leading climate change legislation which sets a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045 is something we should be proud of but we must also be realistic that meeting these targets will not be easy. They present significant challenges but they also present significant opportunities for people in Midlothian and East Lothian that we must grasp – and having an SNP Scottish Government that understands and supports this transition is key. “I was delighted to hear the SNP Finance Secretary outline investment in many areas that will have a direct and positive impact for people in Midlothian and East Lothian – from energy efficiency and zero emissions heating and supporting public transport and record investment in active travel to protecting our natural environment and supporting the creation of green jobs. “The SNP’s commitment to create a stronger, fairer, greener economy benefits everyone is, however, in stark contrast to the Tory UK Government who are doing nothing to invest in the transition we need. “We cannot afford to let the Tories hold us back from building and benefiting from the sustainable future we are capable of creating. The Scottish Government is putting its money where its mouth is to make sure this happens and if Westminster isn’t willing to step up then it's clear we need the full levers of independence to secure the greener, fairer and more sustainable that we deserve." |
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