MSP COLIN BEATTIE PRAISES ACTION TAKEN BY SCOTTISH WATER OVER RIVER ESK SEWAGE AND POLLUTION ISSUES9/10/2018 Today Midlothian North MSP Colin Beattie has praised Scottish Water for its quick action to clean up the sewage that has polluted the Mary Burn and River Esk.
The debris that had made its way to the burn include predominantly consists of wet wipes and sanitary items. These items have polluted and affected wildlife as well as risked the public health of both people and animals. After writing to Scottish Water and meeting with representatives from the utility at the Mary Burn recently we asked Scottish Water to take immediate measures to remove the pollution, protect local residents and wildlife from the effects of it. Mr Beattie was pleased to see action has finally been taken to fix the problems coming from the sewer and into the River Esk and Mary Burn. Mr. Beattie will continue to monitor the clean-up process to ensure a clean environment for local residents and wildlife. Colin Beattie MSP said: “I am delighted that Scottish Water has begun the process of cleaning up the Mary Burn and River Esk.” “Ensuring that the area is clean and unpolluted is a top priority for me and I have been in regular contact with Scottish Water to make sure that action was taken quickly which it has been.” “I am in discussion at the moment also with SEPA and Midlothian Council about any further precautions if they will be required. I will also continue to liaise with Scottish Water. “I also urge all of my constituents to follow the ongoing advice given from Scottish Water – to only flush the 3 P’s down the toilet pee, poo and toilet paper. Make sure that all other personal items go into the bin. Also never pour oil, milk, soup or sauces down the drain as they clog up the drainage pipes also.”
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