Today, Colin Beattie, MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh was provided with a further update from Scottish Water regarding the action taken to clear the sewage at the Mary Burn.
Mr Beattie has been in constant contact with Scottish Water and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency to ask them to take immediate measures to remove the pollution, protect local residents and wildlife from the effects of it, and prevent recurrence. Scottish Water have today advised that their partners EEG will be back on site today until the end of the week. Over the festive period they have fewer resources available, so after this week Scottish Water will not anticipate them being back on site until the 3rd of January. They have asked EEG for a completion date and once they have one, which Scottish Water can be confident they can adhere to, then Mr Beattie will be provided a further update. Scottish Water is also organising for samples of the water to be taken at two places, just below our outfalls and just before the burn enters the South Esk. It will take approximately 1 week to get test results of these samples. I hope to receive an update regarding this in the near future. Colin Beattie MSP said: “I welcome the action that Scottish Water has taken and I thank them for keeping me updated. I am unhappy with the speed of progress, but pleased that the different stakeholders have engaged positively.” “I hope that Scottish Water adhere to the timescale provided and that they do update me as soon as they have received the Water test results and also with a completion date.” “I again encourage all residents to think before they flush!”
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